In our modern life, things seem to be much easier to download an ebook, a document and manage them in in a strict order in your own folder. People can read online everyday, it is the century of the Internet. But why printed book will never die?

Books have physical beauty! Yes, they do. There's something about holding a book in your hand and the visceral act of physically turning a page that,and which sometimes can't be matched with pixels on a screen. They can be your gifts giving, presents to your friends, parents, children and lovers. 

The books in a built-in bookshelf can reveal who you are. Your favorite books define you, and digital versions don't seem to impart connections that are quite as deep.  "People who need to possess the physical copy of a book, not merely an electronic version, believe that the objects themselves are sacred,"- (Author Joe Queenan, in a Wall Street Journal)